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Failure of manufacturing sector

2. Account for the failure of manufacturing sector in achieving the goal of labour-intensive exports rather than capital-intensive exports. Suggest measures for more labour-intensive rather than capital-intensive exports. (150 words)          
Ans. If we look at India's performance in the field of exports then it can be said that it is dominated by the capital-intensive exports and not by labor intensive. There are various reasons responsible for this, like
             More emphasis is given to heavy capital-intensive industries since 2nd Five Year Plan like iron, steel, coal, petroleum etc. These industries have long gestation period, require large capital and technology, and also face issues of internationalcompetition with countries like China.
 • Industries like footwear, leather, apparel were ignored at the cost of capital intensive industries. So, these industries did not given enough exposure to capital, technology, good managerial skills etc.
             Most of these labour-intensive export oriented industries are concentrated in the unorganised sector which employs less than 10 people and suffers from the above mentioned problems as well. So, they are also not able to drive India's manufacturing sector.
             In the organised manufacturing sector, the strict labour laws, harsh taxation and inspector Raj did not allow this sector to grow as labour-intensive one.
Due to all these factors Indian economy is suffering from the ills of jobless growth. To change this picture, we need to adopt measures like
             Concentrate more on labour-intensive sectors
like apparel, footwear, food processing etc.
             Diversification of markets so that the exports does not face the problems of global slowdown.
             Relaxation of labour laws along with providing favourable taxation and environmental regulations for these industries.
             Emphasis should be given on converting informal units into formal.
These measures have the tendency to really achieve the demographic dividend in India.

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