(a) The crisis of ethical
values in modern times is traced to a narrow perception of the good life.
Discuss. (150 Words, 10)
Ans: (a)There are two types of people present in society, one is they
want to lead good life ,other is they want lead their life according to their
wishes because they don't know what exactly the meaning off good in personal life.
The later lead whatever they like, though they are following certain principles
they not eternal in their life, vary from time to time . So you can't blame
them that " your unethical" when it comes to the former , they lead
their life according to morals and ethical values. These people want to lead a
good life , in their point view good life is nothing but an ethical life but in
this category some people they interpret good life means a life which is risk
free, secre,luxurious . This type narrow interpretation allows them to commit
any un ethical practices to lead "their good life". So narrow
interpretation of good life is a cause for crisis of ethical values but
certainly it is not applicable in all the cases.