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Discipline may be counter-productive

(a) Discipline generally implies following the order and subordination. However, it may be counter-productive for the organisation. Discuss. (150 Words

Ans. (a) Discipline in an organisation ensures productivity and efficiency. It encourages harmony and cooperation among employees and also act as a morale booster for the employees. Discipline is very essential for a healthy industrial atmosphere and for the achievement of organisational goals. However, the management of workplace discipline remains a key problem in employee relations and is one of the most discernible sources of conflict at work.
It may also be counter productive in an organisation because it may create a culture of fear and apprehension, which lowers worker morale and inhibits employee growth. Using negative discipline to punish employees for poor performance is not as effective as helping them to identify their weaknesses and explore how to improve their strengths.
Therefore, while discipline is important in ensuring order and subordination, a fine balance needs to be followed so that it does not become counter productive to the organisational interests. Positive discipline approach, which uses constructive criticism can be followed to instill correct behavior.

With any workplace policy, there are pros and cons, and progressive discipline is no exception. Let’s take a look at some of the biggest advantages and disadvantages to such a policy.
Some pros are:

  • It provides a clear explanation of the consequences of not following the employer’s rules or not meeting expectations.
  • It provides the opportunity for consistency and fairness in disciplinary procedures for different employees.
  • It gives the opportunity for an employee to change behaviors. This is especially true in cases where the employee may not have realized they were breaking the rules or causing a problem.
  • It gives the employer the chance to explain to the employee what actions can be taken to improve the situation; this is a chance for coaching and mentoring.
  • It provides the employer with alternatives to termination for minor infractions. This improves employee retention.
  • It also can enhance employee morale when the employees know the employer is not going to fire them for a minor issue. Morale can also be enhanced by the knowledge that poor behavior of others will be addressed.
  • It provides evidence that the employer gave the employee every opportunity to improve

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