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Sufis and medieval mystic saints failed to modify either the religious ideas and practices or the outward structure of Hindu / Muslim societies to any appreciable extent. Comment. (150 words, 10M)

Sufi and medieval mystic saints evolved as a reaction to orthodox, ceremonial, superstitious, orthopraxy and tyrannical practices prevalent in the society. These attained fame due to the messages of divine peace, harmony, love, humanity and attainability of God. It attracted the common men, as their main aim was to spend pious life, recite name of Gods and get rid of evil practices.
The impact of Sufism on Indian society and culture is undeniable. Though, the Sufi Saints introduced radical ideas and notions to Indian society, their long-lasting impact on the entrenched practices of both Islam and Hinduism was limited.

Inspite of their persistent teachings and preaches, it failed to modify any considerable religious ideas and practices as evident from the continued idol worship, human and animal sacrifices, untouchabilities, sati practices, polygamy, female foeticide, child marriages and so on.

The religions were still dominated by obscurantist and superstitious priests interpreting the religion for their own advantages. The mystical ideas of Sufism were constantly in conflict with the orthodox elements of Islam due to Sufism; pantheistic approach and emphasis on love, repentance, peace and renunciation.

Though, Sufism did chip away at the orthodoxy, it did not completely abolish orthodox practices or discourage all its adherents.

Sufis and medieval mystic saints did not have a defined vision to bring religious change across the sub-continent. These movements were localised in nature and lacked any considerable institutional set-up, thereby failed to make up prolonged changes.

Moreover, they undoubtedly delineated social evils, but failed to provide an alternative solution for the same.

Gradually these movements turned out as lineage based movement, thereby increased factionism, competition, etc. Though Sufism did bring about social and cultural changes, it failed to evoke any appreciable changes in the age-old traditions and practices of Hinduism or Islam.

However, it is must be mentioned that the sole objective of Sufis and Mystic saints and their movement was to propagate the ideas of devotion to the God and recitation within worldly affairs. They never made attempts to work for the modification of societies.

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