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Q.18 Present an account of Indus Water Treaty and examine its ecological, economic and political implications in the context of changing bilateral relations.CSE Mains 2016)GS-I 2016 

Indus water Treaty brokered by World bank has been hailed as one of the most successful water sharing arrangement. Permanent Indus Commission was established to address any issues arising from the treaties and it has met 112 times in the past 56 years in each country despite the wars and regional tensions.

Indus water Treaty classify the rivers has West flowing rivers ( Indus ,Jhelum ,Chenab) and east flowing rivers ( Ravi, Beas ,Sutlej). Pakistan is allotted 80 percentage of the west flowing rivers. India India can use the water in a limited non consumptive manner. The Treaty is said to be one of the most magnanimous arrangement where in upper riparian state uses less water in comparison to the lower riparian state.

The Himalayan range is located in a ecologically fragile area and has a rich biodiversity. Construction of large dams and water storage infrastructure would increase the strain. Experts have already pointed out that an earthquake is statistical due in  Himalayan range. Therefore any Mammoth Infrastructure Projects should take all these factors into consideration.

Critics in India have pointed at the unequal nature of water sharing arrangement and called for a revision of the Treaty.

Recently with rising levels of bilateral tension the Prime Minister's office recommended a review of the Indus water treaty. The Prime Minister is reported to have said “blood and water cannot flow together”. However unilateral revision of the Treaty may not be possible.
Since World bank is also a party to the Treaty unilateral cancellation or withdrawal might have repercussions in the form of sanctions which could potentially harm Indian economy.

Pakistan's all weather friend China might also indulge in counteractive water diplomacy. India is lower riparian state of Brahmaputra River system.

Above all Indian image as a responsible Nation which abide by international rule of law would be tarnished. It would Irreversible home India's hegemonic status in South Asia and make neighbours suspicious about India's growing clout. It would also create obstacles in India's aspirations for permanent membership in UNSC.

We need to engage with Pakistan to resolve the conflict and should not take the steps that might further disturb peace and harmony. Despite the pitfalls the Treaty has significant benefits for both India and Pakistan.


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