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Hypocrisy in treatment of women:

Hypocrisy in treatment of women:

India is a land of Goddesses. They are worshiped with lot of reverence. Logically, it ought to translate into love and respect for women. But, our skewed sex ratio says a different story. India is ranked as one of the worst places to be born as a girl. She faces her first challenge even before birth.  Female infanticide is so prevalent in India that for a girl to have been born in India is in itself an achievement of sorts. Due to increased awareness drives few come out in open with their preference for boy child but often confide in private about their preference. It is indeed rare to find someone who prefers girl child and professes it openly. Nowadays we have many with indifference, that they are willing to accept either girl as boy but it is still extremely rare to find people preferring a girl child.

While Nobel Laureate Amartya Sen brought out the number of  missing women in India 100 million, The Economic Survey of 2018 has brought out the statistical representation of India's notionally 'unwanted women'. Based on the calculation of sex ratio of Last Child the servey has exposed a 'son meta-preference' among Indians. 

Hypocrisy in education:

In India, we worship Saraswathi (Goddess of Education), but we have miserably failed to provide education to our children especially our female citizens. It was only in 2009, that the Indian Government passed the Right to Compulsory Education to provide for universal primary education.


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