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ECOSOC: main function and commissions

(10)    What are the main function of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)? Explain different functional commissions attached to it.
    Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) co-ordinates various economic and social work of the United Nations. Specialized agencies, institutions and various functional commission of ECOCOC facilitate it.  
    The main functional of ECOSOC are,
  • to  serve as forum of discussion for international economic & social issues
  • to  promote higher standard of living.
  • to  find solutions to international economic and social issues
  • to  encourage universal respect and observance of human right .
  • to  organize major international conference in economic and social fields.
  • to  undertake/ facilitate studies and bring out repots.
  • to  prepare draft convention for UNGA
  • to  arrange  for consultations with NGO’s
  • to  mange the transition from MDGs to SDGs.

Different functional commissions have been established as subsidiary bodies of ECOSOC.
  • Statistical Commission: -    For advancement of global statistical system. Compile, disseminate, facilitate co-ordination, and develop standards and norms for global statistical information system.
  • Commission on Population and Development: -        It assists the ECOSOC by undertaking/arranging for studies and advising the council. It monitors, reviews and appraises the Implementation of the Programme of Action of International conference on Population and Development.
  • Commission for Social Development: -       It advices and assists the ECOSOC to carry its work in field of social policies. It follows up on the Copenhagen Declaration and Programme of Action.
  • Commission of Status of Women: -      It reviews the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action and the outcome of 23rd special session of UNGA. It studies the current challenges and proposes forward looking strategies for advancement and empowerment of women & girls.
  • Commission on Narcotic Drugs: -    It supervises the application of international drug control treaties. It also functions as the governing body of UNODC.
  • Commission of Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice: -     It is the principal policymaking body of UN in the field of crime prevention and criminal justice. It aims to combat national and transnational crimes and bring efficiency and fairness to criminal justice administration.
  • Commission of Science and Technology for Development: -    It provides the UNGA and ECOSOC high-level advice on relevant science and technology issues. It receives specialized technical advice from adhoc panels and workshops.
United Nations Forum on Forests: -     The forum is an intergovernmental body to strengthen political commitment and action to protect forests and manage them sustainably.


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