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Impartiality and non-partisanship in public service

Why should impartiality and non-partisanship be considered as foundational values in public service, especially in the present day socio-political context? Illustrate your answer with examples
    Impartiality and non-partisanship indicates the absence of biases and predispositions while taking decisions. Indian democracy rests on the balance between elected representatives and selected bureaucrats. The elected members depend upon the bureaucracy for aid and advice regarding the technical nuances and rules. Partisan or preferential advice or action on their part would be detrimental to governance. So impartiality, neutrality and non–partisanship are to be considered as foundational values in public services.
    With increasing specialization and global integration of the economy, numerous complexities have arisen in administration. Complex treaties, agreements, rules, procedures and schemes have further made it hard for the elected members to navigate through the nitty-gritties of the administrative labyrinth.
    This effectively provides more centrality to the bureaucracy in public services. Hence, more than ever before there is a pressing hard for impartiality and non- partisanship in the present socio- political context.
    The affairs at World Trade Organization provide a good case where impartial and non-partisan advice becomes imperative. Any biases against capitalism or free trade or globalization can derail the entire process. Only an objective assessment and deliberation can allow the political leadership to reach an informed decision.


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