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16. Male membership needs to be encouraged in order to make women’s organization free from gender bias. Comment.

    Some have expressed their view that male membership needs to be encouraged in order to make women’s organization free from gender bias. This mainly reflects the views of individuals who contest that women only membership results in stifling of opinions and creates a distortion which fuels dissent and perpetuates discrimination.

   The wave of feminism, especially radical  feminism has been on the rise. Radical feminists hold a deep conviction that only women can understand women’s problems and struggles. They believe membership should be only for women in social organizations and NGO’s created to carry forward the fight against discrimination.

    Beginning from the withdrawal of women from Sabhas and Samitis in Indus Valley Civilisation to the denial of voting sights to women in the Western nations women have been treated as second class citizens. Moreover, eivil practices such as sati, female infanticide, child marriage, purdah, dowry, etc in India have further disadvantaged women position.

    The contribution to the rise of feminist movement by Mary Wollstonecraft, Simone de Beauvoir and other women feminists is unquestionable. However, there have been many men who have also significantly contributed to the upliftment of women condition. 

            Raja Ram Mohan Roy was one of the first social reformers in India to fight for the better position of women and eradication of regressive  social practices . Pandit Ishwar Channdra Vidyasagar led the movement for women educationand widow remarriage.

    Though there has been some extreme radicalization trends they are a matter of perception rather than one of uncontested facts. Deep entrenched patriarchy has led to a deplorable situation. Gender sensitive education, awareness and programmes need to focus on undoing this historical injustice. An congenial atmosphere of free discussion and equitable distribution needs to be effected to removing gender based disadvantages from the society. If encouragement of membership to women’s organization would make them free from gender bias it should be allowed.


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