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How to make the most out of our channel Lectures?

UPSC PREPARATION is your one stop solution to your UPSC CSE Journey. Videos pertaining to Current Affairs, static portions of History, Geography, Economy, Optional subjects- PSIR, Pub Admin, and Psychology etc. have been covered.

Though there are many channels out there, seldom does any cover all parts of the syllabus in a sequential manner as done here. I can go to the extent to say that by only watching these videos you can cover the entire syllabus. Some of my friends (and many more else) have cleared the exam only using these lectures.

All lectures are uploaded as per date and sequence. Go as per sequence and for your convenience we have titled them as “Lecture_No.#Part Subject@Faculty_Name_Initials Topic”.

EG. “01#03 AB@CD” means this is the third part of the Lecture No.01 of Subject AB thought by Faculty CD. Watch in sequence for complete comprehension and avoiding knowledge gaps.

If possible please write down and take notes as staff teach, this will ensure optimum utilization of these resources. WE STRONGLY RECOMMEND LEARNING WITH A PEN AND PAPER IN YOUR HAND. This will definitely help you in long run. Only Listening to audio visual content is seldom helpful (Bad secret to reveal and worst way to promote one’s channel, however that is the truth). Only watching and listening means most of you may (read will) forget most of what you hear.
Also if you take notes, you wouldn’t have to buy notes from market and have concise material for revision.

Most lectures don’t have excellent audio quality as they were recorded only as self-learning aids and are compiled and published here. Though the ethical angles of publishing these videos are debatable, we have put them in good faith without any malafide intentions to benefit those who can't access these because of various constraints-economic, spatial, temporal, occupational, etc.

Most importantly they are not of the ongoing batch. I believe these lectures can be in no way a substitute to the actual classes that are conducted by the staff themselves. We recommend that if it is affordable and feasible you may kindly join the classes, as you could get better insight, updated content &get doubts clarified instantly. If you have any issues regarding any of the videos, please comment or write and you will find out how co-operative we are.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Wishing you all very the best for your preparation and success in your all your endeavors. May the force be with you.
Don’t just seek clearing UPSC, enjoy the journey.
Finding your name in the sacred PDF is not an end in itself, it’s a means to do great things for the society and justice to the universe.

If you ever want to reach out to us, we are always here for you as a friend, philosopher and guide.

Before we Part, a final tip,
For some, these lectures might seem slow, you can use 2x speed to increase the pace and listen. One final request, Share and Promote our channel, so that others can also benefit.
Will keep updating as we find time so that you find whatever you are looking for. 

Live Long and Prosper.


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